Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

video collection of 3d character work - youtube

i found this video which has a colleciton of 3D character work, which all varies in quality. Most of it is quite good, but the first aniamtion shown i feel the texturing is quite bad, the colours are too bringt and done work with the background aswell as having no real shadows or self shading. There is some aniamtion of the hulk there two which i assume was from a game gameplay cutscene, which although brief looked quite good with what i would concider several years old graphics for a currect generation console.

The last aniamtion they is seen is my favorite and why i added this video, the character looks well made and is textured well, he has soft shadowing which i guess is some kind of ambient occlusion. His movements are smooth and his arm and hand seem to move well and smoothly which makes me thing his hands are rigged with bones. his facial features are my favorite part, large parts of his face move as he talks and his jaw and the whole lower part of his face move side to side as he speaks which i like and would like to find otu how it is done.

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