Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Adding morph tags - facial features

I started adding morph tags to my character, I started with facial features.

I added morph tags by clicking morph in the charcter tags dropdown menu. Adding morphs is quite easy, you add a tag and then alter your mesh to that point you want it to move. This is best used for faces as on other things it can produce unwanted movements and polygon stretching.

I added several exressions to my charcter, happy (default face), sad, angry, shocked, scared, and one which i call sinister which is a slightly more evil version of his default face, which is what i plan to use in my animation.

I added morph tags to the eyebrows and teeth to match the expressions i made for the face.

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