Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Past weeks recap

Week 19th april to 25th april recap.

This week was mostly spent modeling my characters head.

On moday we had a taught session in the morning. In the afternoon i got my characters head shape right, added a chin, and began modeling the mouth.

On tuesday i finished the mouth when i final got a mouth shape i wanted, which took several appempts and i wasn't really sure if i was happy with it untill later in the day when i added a nose and some teeth.

On wednesday i modeled the eyes, which took me a while to decide on the positioning, and i made them by making several cuts to make an eye shape without creating too many extra polygons and irregular faces. I also made the ears, which again took my a while to decide on the positioning. but overall im happy with all the facial reatures.

On thursday aswell as attending a caad session on eye contorllers and making eyes using 2d textures, i made a start on making my characters hair. I had no idea of how the hair should look but i just went for it, and it turned out really well and suited the character.

The rest of the week was spent finishing my characters mesh and doing some paperwork.

This particular weeks time management was ok, i got everything i planned to done, which was finishing my characters head. Other than that my research and paperwork is where i fail on time management.

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