Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Modeling safe

for my animation i decided i needed a safe as an asset. I modeled this quite simply.

I started by making a cube, which i then smooth shifted to add a extra polygon as a slope around all the edges.

I then used the inner extrude tool to make the crease for the door. I used the knife tool to cut a line round the door to make it look more realistic.

I then used the extrude tool to bring it in a bit, inner extruded again, and extruded once more to make the door.

After making the basic shape for the safe i added hinges on the side of the door, which i made by smooth shifting a cube and placing it in a hypernurbs object.

I made a safe dial by manipulating and extruding a cylinder.

i made the handles in the same way as the dial, but i used an array to make the 3 bars evenly spaced.

To finish it off i needed to add textures, this took a bit of testing, to find a suitable shiny metal/chrome texture i looked online at some tutorials, and adapted the textures i found to suit what i wanted.

i made the textures for the dial using different gradients, on vertical one, and one radial, the rest of the dial was a black shiny metal texture i made which i tried to blend in with the shinier gradient parts.

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