Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Hand in week

Its the deadline this week and its been quite the push to get everything done. My animations aren't finished but I think I've done a good bit of work on them so as least they will be ready for final show. I've been getting all my PPD research work printed and organised and it really takes longer than I thought but I think I will get everything finished. My script, storyboards and animatic are already done for work related and I have written up my work on the rabbit animation too. I've pretty much finalised my robot animation now, there will be a lot of rockets flying around and lasers going off. On my group animation with Gareth we have got our creature nearly finished, it took a bit longer than we expected but that is mainly because of all the other stuff we have had to do. I've uploaded some examples and tests of both animations.

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