Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

blog update

Last week i got my script pretty much in order, and ive done a bit on my storyboards today, but both need a little bit of tweaking.

This week ive been getting my Robot model in order to be rigged and working out how to go about rigging each part of my character. Through the week i finished off some of the last details of my character, but my plan to add rivets to its body didn't work because i started getting random lines and stretching textures coming from my character. I'm not sure if this was because the rivets messed something up, the polys were too high, I'd placed something in the wrong place in the hierarchy, or it was just my cinema 4D being strange. Either way I'm going without the rivets for now and will add them later, possibly as textures.

Other than sorting out the last details, i had to spend some time splitting the symmetry's apart and optimising my character, which took a which because i need all the parts of my character to be separate objects, and all the symmetry's converted to objects that were joined together, and deleting the other halves to make single object left a lot of blank points. So i went through each part of my character an optimized it to remove the unwanted points. Now that my character is all separate all that is left to do is get all the axis' in the right place so the objects move properly when rigged.

Other that making my character riggable, ive been working out how to rig it up.

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