Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Friday 28 January 2011

this week and last

This week was the first back since we finished the 4mations brief. I got the 4Mations brief along with AD202 and 208 handed in on time and have received grades i am happy with. During the assessment week i fixed parts of my robot and replaced his gears and cogs as well as the arm setup. The robot looks a bit better now i think, and is fit to be animated.

This week we had to create our animatics and prepare out presentations and treatments. I will be presenting my treatment on monday because my animatic took over 3 days of solid work to complete, and left me with no time to get everything else i wanted to done.

i will upload my animatic here, and will upload my final 4mations animations and model sheets after.

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