Was primarily a college work blog, but now that I have finished for the year, it will show more of my own work.

Friday, 18 March 2011

past weeks recap

since my last post i have done a few things, changed my environment, handed in the last brief, and done a presentation.

My hand in was ok, i got everything done in time and i think it was reasonable, but i wish my animations progress was a bit further on. At this point i just have my first environment quite far along, i do need to make some changes though, such as doing the grass differently, altering a lot of the textures, adding more objects to populate the scene and more.

This is a still of my environment.

Today i had to do a presentation on animation, which i have spent all week making. My presentation was aweful, at least from my point of view. I kept forgetting things which i planned to talk about so i ended up just saying a less informative version of what was on the screen. I had planned to expand on what the animation studios i looked at did and talk more about other companies which i like the most. More than anything i tripper up on some of my slides where i started talking about things as if they were related to the previous slide's company, which was confusing for both me and everyone else. Either way i think it probably wasn't as unbelievable terrible as i think, even though it was.